An art installation offered on the deep Playa at Burning Man 2022.
Gimel was part of Dustopia Collective’s Metamorphic Discords,
an interactive mechanical music pieces and wind-driven instruments piece @ 18:56/4272’.
Sonic Awakenings
Gimel draws on the late electronic pioneer Pauline Oliveros’ practice of Deep Listening.
The piece offered Burning Man participants a chance to sample the sonic landscape,
letting the visual feast rest to connect with the rhythm of the Deep Playa in their own bodies.
The installation, titled after the Tarot card of the High Priestess;
Gimel or Camel in Kabalistic Hebrew,
a means to get across the Desert Abyss
symbolized by Burning Man’s Deep Playa.
The HP’s Deep Listening throne, placed between two
mushroom shaped pillars,
the Kabalistic pillars of Severity (Binah)
and Mercy (Chokmah).
For Kodi Crone the piece represented a sane space in a hostile environment.