i ching for musicians


Aleatoric Composition/Divination


I Ching for Musicians & Everyone Else under the Sun offers a two-fold approach to the ancient classic, in the form of a conceptual piece and as a practical tool for musicians.

Everyone Else under the Sun questions the relationship between automated machines and organic bodies. Investigating ways in which human bodies may be machines in their own right, while questioning the mechanical aspects of our movements. This piece is a study in the sonic perception of reality through the act of divination, by engaging in a relationship with electronic art.

In the video, I Ching for Musicians is presented as a practical tool, intended to stimulate creativity. Inspired by Brian Eno’s Oblique Strategies, the idea is to provide alternatives for musicians stumped on creative directions. The querent is invited to engage with this tool by adding their voice or instrument to the soundscape emanating from the gua, or hexagram.

*Everyone Else .. starts at 01:27